Presbytarians Love Red Meat

I like to throw dinner parties sometimes. When I feel motivated and my nails are not freshly painted. I was partying hard one week and by the time the weekend rolled around, I just couldn't get my flat caboose off the sofa. And it just got flatter but I didn't care. It was Friday night, I felt like a turnip and I don't like to hang with guido's and BnT, so it was an acceptable night to stay in and do absolutely nothing. I may have also been in a very bad humor so it was better that I stayed in than bring out my sass. I invited a friend over to come have dinner with me at my house, and then we spoke with some others, and suddenly a dinner party materialized by noon on Saturday. It was the Saturday before Easter so a roast was in order. A beef roast. Not chicken. Cause chicken in any other form other than nuggets or fingers is gross. And it's also not good when not deep fried and slathered in honey mustard. And I don't like touching raw chicken skin because it's all human skin-esq looking and raw poultry kinda smells rank also. I went to Whole Foods to pick up some meat and holy shit, I was nearly stampeded by the chosen people looking for kosher briskets. I give mad respek to the chosen people because they built the pyramids. Good thing I don't cook my own brisket and I didn't particularly feel the need to buy kosher meat since I'm a good Presbyterian. And Presbyterians are omnivores. Yup. That's a fact.We especially enjoy bacon.

Anyways...I made this Beef Bottom Round (this was the only piece of meat left) and served it with the fantastic herby sauce type thing.

Recipe to come

1 comment:

  1. I was just about to complain about not being invited to dinner... ohhh. Was delicious. So good. The meat wasn't too heavy, the potatoes were very creamy, and the mushrooms made a perfect light side to complement the other two. Mmm.
