Mac and Cheese Dog Casserole

Everybody universally hates Rachael Ray. If they don't, they are obviously not the kind of people you'd want to hangout with.

I found this recipe online and it just sounded gross. Just like RR herself. Mac n Cheese Dog Casserole...I just had to try it so I can make more fun of RR and her disgusting ways of cooking.
I made it. And it was surprisingly not gawd awful but that was probably because I made it with my delicate little genius hands and used top quality hotdogs. The recipe was basically a cheap bechamel sauce with ketchup. I love ketchup. I love hotdogs. I also very much love mac and cheese. But I do not love Rachael Ray and her sacrilegious culinary ways. I might dislike her less if she didn't look so tubby. Meh...probably not. I take that back. She's annoying.

Brontosaurus Ribs

Summer is reminiscent of so many things to so many people. In my mind, summer evokes hedonism, gluttony and debauchery. But then again, spring, winter and fall are also seasons for extreme hedonism, gluttony and debauchery as well...

One thing the summer season is great for however, BBQ's!!! I love bbq's. The're fun, genial, messy, delicious and just gregarious events. I eat a lot of bbq meat. mostly ribs and sometimes sausages, and also attend many bbq parties. I sometimes even host bbq's myself because I'm just awesome like that.

I dragged some people to eat at this terrific bbq joint called Daisy May's one day. I don't joke around with my meat, especially when its been slow cooked to perfection and slathered in messy, finger linkin' good bbq sauce. While the other suckers ordered dinky little pulled chicken sammiches and small little eensie weensie spare ribs, I showed em how a real bbq master eater does it by ordering the Flintstones brontosaurus bone with 20 thousand ounces of tender succulent meat. Oh gawd it was so good. There was so much meat. It was so good. But the best part of the meal, was by far the intensely delicious mac and cheese. It was so ooey and gooey and almost like old people food. You'd scoop up a bite of it into your mouth and it'd just melt on your tongue. YUM!
And yup, I'm drinking a diet coke. Cuz I'm on a diet. Close up...I like close ups.
 The sides at this place is sickly delicious as well. I got the mac and cheese (obvious 1st choice) and the baked beans. The baked beans were soooooo good. Perfectly sweet enough but beany. I didn't eat much of the beans I got cuz I didn't wana be all farty going back to work. I threw out the styrofoam serving cup and repackaged the beans into a plastic container to be more eco-friendly and participate in sustainable sustainability. I put the beans in the fridge at work. 2 hours later, I open the fridge to eat my late afternoon office snack and some douchebag took my half eaten beans!!! The beans with all my saliva in it. Gross.