How not to be Fabulous

Once there lived a pretty pretty princess. Summer was her favorite season and it was finally summer!!! AHHHHH! She was so excited! Summer meant lots of parties, tanning, drinking excessive amounts of champagne and just being fabulous! The pretty pretty princess was so excited for her summer seasons first fabulous getaway to Montauk. But once she got there, she found that her beach set up was far from fabulous. It was just ghetto and so blah.
The princess was so sad about the ghetto beach set up, so she started drinking. Because the princess is so wise, she knew that drinking would solve all her problems. But the only thing available was ambient temperature Miller Light with a fun vortex tip. The vortex tip was pretty cool, but it still wasn't fabulous. The pretty pretty princess remembered one of her many super fabulous weekends in St. Tropez where they served her champagne over tons of ice. Being so wise and nimble minded, the princess was able to hastily improvise with only a styrofoam cup and ice cubes. Macgyver style. The pretty pretty princess immediately filled up the styrofoam cup with ice and poured in her lukewarm beer into the cup. The beer was instantaneously ice cold and so refreshing. 
The princess was so much happier on the beach with the ice cold beer, although the set up was amazingly ghetto fabulous. The pretty pretty princess made a list of necessary things her minions need to buy for her next beach trip...

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