Korean Dinner

There are 4 places you can find good Korean food. Korea, obviously. LA LA Land, obviously, and Flushing. But there is only one place in the world where you can find amazing Korean food that's almost orgasmic. In my house, obviously. Because I'm the best cook ever and I have very good taste in good food. Before I left Paris, I invited some friends over and made some of my favorite dishes because I felt like fishing for compliments. I made some japchae, bibimbop and a spicy pork dish. I made a bunch of stuff, but once again was busy eating and forgot to take pictures of some of them.

Spicy Pork
This was just enough spicy to get some perspiration going and just so nicely caramelized because of the ground pear I added to the sauce. It got nice and sticky like a spicy bbq marinade. And it was just so very slightly sugary to offset the heat. I tried using two different cuts of pork. Shoulder cut and belly. The belly is by far superior. Cause as we all may not know, fat makes food taste exponentially better. But the shoulder cut wasn't so bad cause it's leaner and less greasy. But definitely not as much flavor. The belly has a better texture in the mouth as well with the marriage of the chewy meat and the silky fat with the caramelized outside.

Close up. I like close ups.

I like these when its in the hot stone bowl. But since in Paris, my stove was induction, there was no way I was gona get that fancy. I also like bibimbop with a fried egg. But I was slaving all day and didn't feel like frying 6 eggs last minute. Usually, people just add some gochujang (red pepper paste) and sesame oil. But I like to make my own red pepper paste sauce with a mixture of some of my very own secret ingredients. With my secret sauce, the bibimbop is just one of the most fantastic things you'll have ever experienced.

I'll add some more of my Korean creations in the future. So check back. I haven't listed ingredients and measurements because Korean food is mostly made by guesstimation. And also because if I reveal all my cooking secrets, I won't be very special. But if you really must know my secrets, leave a comment or send me an email!

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