Mac and Cheese Dog Casserole

Everybody universally hates Rachael Ray. If they don't, they are obviously not the kind of people you'd want to hangout with.

I found this recipe online and it just sounded gross. Just like RR herself. Mac n Cheese Dog Casserole...I just had to try it so I can make more fun of RR and her disgusting ways of cooking.
I made it. And it was surprisingly not gawd awful but that was probably because I made it with my delicate little genius hands and used top quality hotdogs. The recipe was basically a cheap bechamel sauce with ketchup. I love ketchup. I love hotdogs. I also very much love mac and cheese. But I do not love Rachael Ray and her sacrilegious culinary ways. I might dislike her less if she didn't look so tubby. Meh...probably not. I take that back. She's annoying.

1 comment:

  1. yesha but now write me up the recipe so i can grow fat yet fulfilled
