The Best Cereal Ever. Try It!

I haven't had cereal in a really long time. It just seems too healthy. Besides, I only eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs and I got sick of them and didn't have any other substitute. But I found this great cereal at Whole Foods the other day. And I'm addicted! Puffins brand Peanut Butter cereal. It's a mixture of Corn Pops, Captain Crunch and Peanut Puffs packaged into a size just slightly smaller than Shredded Wheat to form the perfectly scrumptious bite size cereal. On a more educational note, did you know that they eat Puffins in Iceland? I once saw a documentary on this on either the travel channel or Nat G. Probably Travel Channel. It was pretty sick. But I enjoy the unctuous flavor of diseased duck liver. So who am I to judge.

1 comment:

  1. whole foods? i'm out of my PB captain crunch, too. this shall be my next purchase.
